Posts tagged collaborative economy
The Collaborative (or: Sharing) Economy & Internet of Things- shareNL Meetup Tuesday June 13th

Internet of things (IoT) is the second technology of focus during this year’s series of shareNL Meetups.Nowadays not only users connect with smart things through the internet but things connect to each other. What if we could connect excess capacity to the Internet in order to make it visible and to make it accessible?  

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Re:shaping mobility The Secret Power of Sharing

“Exciting turn ahead” it must say on a traffic sign for those exploring the possible routes to the future of transportation. Technology is about to bring more opportunities for the way we move around than we had in the last century. Since the transition from horse carriages to the automobile changes have been evolutions, but no revolutions.

Now we are at the verge of a true revolution in transportation. Electrification has been slowly entering the market. Where public transport companies have been using electricity for a while, nearly all car manufacturers are now following. Tesla took it from ‘the good alternative’ to ‘the sexy alternative’ to a fossil fuel driven car.

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Introducing Honeycombhousing

Honeycombhousing is a social/cultural-housing platform to connect international students with homeowners on peer-to-peer basis in Sweden. Sanne Toonen (founder of Honeycombhousing) explained: 'It’s the social aspect that makes the difference. It’s best described as 'Fika'. The Swedish expression for coffee breaks that’s more about socializing than drinking coffee. This Swedish tradition shaped Honeycombhousing to what it is today and sets them apart from other services in providing housing for international students.'

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The sky is the limit

In this month's insights, you can read about: 

  • The launch of shareBE. 
  • Sharing Economy and Sustainable Tourism. 
  • The European Mobility Week kick off. 
  • Why people actually participate in the collaborative economy.
  • The Green Deal day. 
  • Regulatory framework for the sharing economy.
  • The Amsterdam Sharing City International Press trip. 

And much more...

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The Collaborative Economy & Blockchain meetup

This meetup was a deep-dive into the future of the (collaborative) economy, and the future of society. While shareNL has been involved in the sharing/collaborative economy for quite some time now, the blockchain was a relatively new topic. With the aim of reshaping society, it was time to address the potential role of blockchain platform services in the current society. To answer the question of whether the blockchain will live up to its promise to enable a true peer-to-peer network, Pieter van den Glind (shareNL), Samantha van der Bos (shareNL), Perry Smit (Innovationlab of the Chamber of Commerce), Chris Huls (Rabobank), Jeroen Rijnbout (BITONIC), and Robert-Reinder Nederhoed ( provided us with insights into the possibilities of blockchain technology.

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The future of work and time

“All the modern technologies have only let us work more, and work harder.” This is a popular statement these days, but they do not fit well with the actual numbers. Tools and machines have made us faster and stronger. Digital technologies have made us smarter and have let us communicate faster. Over time, technologies have dramatically increased our productivity. Today, we get more done in less time. Our output has increased both at the workplace and in the household.

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Home cooks, shared cars and taskers: the rise of the 'prosumerism'

‘Social, sustainable and economically resilient’, that’s the promise of the sharing economy for our cities in the West. Is this also the case in developing countries? And what is needed to become a true sharing society? An opinion column.

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A weekend in the Big Building, coding our future. | Dutch Blockchain Hackathon (Groningen)

This weekend was a legendary one, for me personally, and I think for the other 399 and more people in the Big Building in Groningen too. It was the World’s biggest blockchain hackathon, and the first hackathon I witnessed. More than 50 multidisciplinary teams and 100 coaches - Jedi’s - got together to build a new operational system for our society. Read the full experience here.

By Samantha van den Bos

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Door Pieter van de Glind, Edward Zevenbergen en Sander Klaver*

De afgelopen jaren zijn we steeds meer zaken online gaan delen; het begon met muziek, verhalen en foto’s via sociale media. Daarnaast zijn we meer en meer spullen van elkaar gaan kopen via sites als marktplaats. En vandaag dringt de snel opkomende ‘deeleconomie’ in steeds meer sectoren door: we delen onze woning via Airbnb, spullen via Peerby, energie via Vandebron of Powerpeers, kennis via Konnektid, eten via Thuisafgehaald, ritten via Blablacar en auto’s en parkeerplaatsen via platformen als Snappcar, MyWheels en Mobypark. Zo krijgen steeds meer Nederlanders toegang tot elkaars spullen en diensten. Eén op de vijf Nederlanders maakt gebruik van online deelplatformen (inclusief Airbnb en Voor de opkomst van de online deeleconomie deelden mensen vrijwel uitsluitend eigendommen met vrienden, familie en kennissen. Uit onderzoek komt naar voren dat het percentage Nederlanders dat er geen probleem mee heeft spullen met vreemden te delen in de afgelopen 3 jaar is gestegen van 10% naar ruim 30% . Lees meer...

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The Art of Sharing - a 21st Century mindset we should teach our children.

With a world around us transforming by the second, it is very unlikely we are able to predict the future our children will grow up in. To prepare for this uncertain reality, children should be handed not only the right tools and skills to be able to manoeuvre their way through  - such as the use of tablets, 3D printing, coding, design thinking - , but they should also be equipped with the right 21st Century mindset. Read more... 

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7 reasons why your city wants to become a Sharing City

Cities battle many challenges, and recourses are often scarce to address these. Born out of issues that cities face and combining it with the collaborative economy, is what we like to call the Sharing City. Why should your city start using sharing to your advantage and work towards becoming a sharing city? 

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Thuiskoks, gedeelde auto’s en buurtklussers: de opmars van het ‘prosumentisme’

‘Sociaal, duurzaam, economisch veerkrachtig’, zo klinkt in het Westen de belofte van de deeleconomie voor onze steden. Geldt die eveneens voor ontwikkelingslanden? En welke bijdrage is nodig om het vele delen waar te maken? Een opiniebijdrage door Samantha van den Bos en Matthijs Nederveen, oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd in Vice Versa (22 december 2016).

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Hoe financier ik mijn startup? De ervaring van MotoShare

Stel, je hebt een prachtig idee voor een platform. Hoe breng je je startup van de grond? Lynda Provoost vertelt hoe startup MotoShare het ervaart om via een deelplatform haar financiering rond te krijgen: zij kozen ervoor om crowdfunding in te schakelen. Momenteel zitten ze in de laatste fase. Lees meer... 

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shareNL meetup: a recap

By Lies van den Eijnden

Our last Meetup of the year was a full house with speakers representing a variety of stakeholders, from the government, start-ups, a traditional corporate to the press. Read more.. 

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