The sky is the limit

Belgium was once a frontrunner when it came to innovation in transitional times, being the first country after the UK where the Industrial Revolution took off. This time, we are a bit late to the game, but there is momentum now and we should build on that to create an open space for constructive debate, reflection and experimentation for innovation to take place; including challenging our current complex regulatory framework. With shareBE we’re modest, and we’d like to contribute our share in shaping this new Belgian society together with you, and all different partners and stakeholders we have been working with up to the present moment, and will do so in the future. Want to be there at the launch? Register through this link. 

In this month's insights, you can read about: 

  • The launch of shareBE. 
  • Sharing Economy and Sustainable Tourism. 
  • The European Mobility Week kick off. 
  • Why people actually participate in the collaborative economy.
  • The Green Deal day. 
  • Regulatory framework for the sharing economy.
  • The Amsterdam Sharing City International Press trip. 

And much more...