Posts tagged future of work
A future with AI : human form of tech

In order to determine what way a future with Artificial Intelligence is going, it is important to first look at the things we see happening in society as a whole. We looked out for products and services with future potential and connected them to shared values to spot trends. These trends are focussed on the near future since the first signs of them are already visible in the world we know today. Nonetheless they might become bigger over time as the drivers behind them evolve. For now, let’s see what is ahead is of us starting with; A human form of tech! 

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A future with AI (I)

We tend to underestimate the speed of how new technologies will revolutionize the Sharing and Platform Economy and society as a whole. We, shareNL, see an urgent need to start a conversation on these topics to seize all the opportunities they offer and also to address the applicable challenges . This is why we decided to dive in to Artificial Intelligence. In this short series of blogposts we will take you on a journey through the world of AI with its definition, its challenges, future trends and scenarios.

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The recipe for a future with Artificial Intelligence and Sharing/Platform Economy

Artificial Intelligence is a term that we hear a lot these days. You could even say it is hyped, but does that mean that we know exactly what it is? At shareNL we believe it is important to start the conversation about the new technologies that are emerging in order to seize the opportunities they offer, as well as addressing the challenges they create. Therefore, on the 6th of October, several experts were invited to talk about how Artificial Intelligence could  impact the Sharing/Platform Economy. In other words, what would the recipe of a future with both these developments look like?

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The future of work and time

“All the modern technologies have only let us work more, and work harder.” This is a popular statement these days, but they do not fit well with the actual numbers. Tools and machines have made us faster and stronger. Digital technologies have made us smarter and have let us communicate faster. Over time, technologies have dramatically increased our productivity. Today, we get more done in less time. Our output has increased both at the workplace and in the household.

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Using scenarios to explore future implications for employment

This year, the team at shareNL contributed to a research project by the JRC namely the ‘The future of the EU collaborative economy – 'Using scenarios to explore future implications for employment’. Now, the European Commission released the ‘JRC Science for policy report’, and we summarize the highlights here. For full report, click here. The report emphasizes the importance of acknowledging both opportunities and challenges that this new economy brings and suggests concrete areas and issues that need to be considered in order to foster continued growth of the collaborative economy. 

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