A road trip from the hard “G” (Dutch) to the soft “G” (Flemish); from Groningen to Gent

Last week our Flemish Samantha, who has a soft G pronunciation and Dutch Ananda with a typical Dutch hard G pronunciation travelled from Groningen in the North of the Netherlands to Gent in Belgium together. They set out on their journey to share knowledge in these two cities with each their own identity. Read more... 

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Guestblog | Building a new 'Share City'

Guestblog by Niels Baljet, TU Delft

That’s the number of things I own. An obsession of stuff is what kick-started my graduation project at the Faculty of Architecture at the TU Delft. Several bloggers, photographers and artist, such as Peter Menzel and Judith de Leeuw, are questioning whether we are living in a material world. Inspired by them, I decided to count everything I own. With mathematical precision I transformed my home into a photo studio, capturing and counting everything I have. Well, 881 is the answer. It sure seems like a lot. If I would display everything on the floor, it would occupy an area of 120 square meters. The combined volume of these items would be 52 cubic meters. That’s the volume of two vans. Is it really necessary to own so many things? And why do I even want to own more things? At the moment I finished this experiment it was already out-dated, since I bought more stuff. And I want to own even more. In extend to the sheer amount of stuff in our households, it seems we are all having more or less the same things. Could sharing be the solution to this redundancy of things? Can we promote a shared habitat where you live with less while having access to more?  Read more... 

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Guestblog | Fairbnb: Time for a truly collaborative short-stay rental platform?

Guestblog by Sito Veracruz and Alessandro Latella, members of Fairbnb Amsterdam

Many articles have been written about the effects of Airbnb on the housing market and on the gentrification of the City of Amsterdam. Recently, The Guardian reported a new movement that started some months ago in Amsterdam called Fairbnb. 

Fairbnb seeks to encourage vacation rentals that comply with the principles of a fair, non-extractive and collaborative economy and its aim is to create an alternative short-term rental platform according to those principles.


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Nesta sharelab

As debates about the opportunities and challenges of the collaborative economy become ever more polarised, we have paid insufficient attention to how collaborative platforms can create social and environmental impact. On November first, Pieter participated in ShareLab. The most-needed event organized by Nesta, where 200 policymakers, entrepreneurs, innovators and researchers gathered to better understand how public services, civil society and the private sector can engage with, develop and harness collaborative platforms for good.

We looked at areas ranging from finance to healthcare, from education and skills to knowledge and the commons, and from future technology to the role of existing mainstream collaborative platforms.

Pieter presented the story of shareNL and how difficult it can be as a social enterprise to balance out earning money and delivering a positive impact. Here are Pieter's key take-aways:

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Win-Win Culturele Zondagen

Door Samantha van den Bos

Dit keer stonden de Culturele Zondagen in Utrecht in teken van (w)ondernemers die de stad mooier, gezonder en leefbaarder maken. Sociaal ondernemers, deeleconomie-platformen, organisaties die erop toekijken dat alle schakels in de waardeketen eerlijk verlopen en sociale verantwoordelijkheden worden opgenomen. Ook de grotere bedrijven die nu investeren in een betere wereld kregen de kans om hun projecten voor te stellen. Van presentaties, workshops, sociale experimenten en theater tot een deeleconomie deelcarrousel.  

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Designing real estate for car sharing

By Pieter van de Glind

Car sharing is growing fast. Sharing economy marketplaces like Snappcar and Mywheels enable every car owner to ‘upload’ their cars on their websites so that neighbours can rent them. Traditionally, innovative car renting schemes like Greenwheels and Car2Go, and more recently, Drivenow and a number of similar initiatives have enabled people to rent cars on-demand in their neighbourhoods. Both the sharing economy platforms and the innovative car renting schemes reduce the need for car ownership. 

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Harmen van Sprang was working as a freelance innovation consultant in 2013, when he started going to an informal meet-up called shareNL, which was initiated by the founders of sharing services such as Peerby, SnappCar and Konnektid. His enthusiasm for this emerging field led him to the like-minded Pieter van de Glind, with whom he soon co-founded the eponymous shareNL, an organization working together with city governments, corporates, start-ups and research institutes to achieve a mature sharing economy. Ahead of NRC Live’s Deeleconomie event on 27 October, ImpactHub sat down with Harmen to talk about the benefits, challenges, opportunities and future of the sharing (or collaborative)economy. 

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Den Haag sharing city: rondetafelgesprekken

In samenwerking met de Gemeente Den Haag en de New World Campus organiseerden we een rondetafel rondom Den Haag Sharing City. Vijftien mensen werden uitgenodigd vanwege hun vakgebied, inzichten of ervaring met de deeleconomie. Deze multidisciplinaire groep is het startpunt en de mobilisator voor de verdere verkenning Den Haag Sharing City, die in de aankomende weken en maanden vorm zal krijgen. De dag begon met een korte introductie over de New World Campus, de Haagse broedplaats voor innovatie.

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Succesvol symposium Autodelen: een terugblik

Het was 'full house' op de tweede editie van het shareNL symposium autodelen in Den Haag. Meer dan 220 bezoekers en sprekers uit Nederland én Belgie (dit jaar was de eerste Benelux editie) hadden een volle dag in hun agenda vrijgemaakt voor het onderwerp autodelen. En de feedback: "het had nog langer mogen duren!". Dit laat zien dat autodelen een 'hot topic' is. "Iedereen die er moet zijn, is er." zeiden meerdere bezoekers. Er waren veel autodeel-aanbieders, inclusief zakelijke oplossingen. Zo ontmoetten we MyWheels, Cambio, Drive Now, Dégage, SnappCar, MobilityMixx, FreeToGo, Deelootoo, CarAmigo en meer. Verder was de zaal gevuld met beleidsmakers bij gemeenten en overheid, verhuurders, automerken, belangenorganisaties, bedrijven en adviseurs. Het thema van dit jaar was ‘Driving Change’. 

Een terugblik op het symposium door Ananda Groag.

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Uber in Dar es Salaam: How does a Silicon Valley-made service operates in informal markets?

On-demand apps around the world: Uber just launched one month before my workholiday in Dar es Salaam. It's 475th city who offers the service to its citizens, and of course travelers and the expat community. I saw a promotion code at one of my favorite restaurants which ironically is Ethiopian, called Addis in Dar. With the promocode for a free ride, displayed on a flyer in the 'washrooms', I had to try it! Being a sharing economy (-and on-demand) experience expert this is thrilling news: a Silicon Valley on-demand service here in Dar Es Salaam, where informal and unregulated business practices are still the local standard.

Read more about the experience.

By Samantha van den Bos

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De komst van Airbnb: een droom of nachtmerrie?

Door Lies van den Eijnden, met reactie van Samantha van den Bos

Het is woensdagavond, Pakhuis de Zwijger zit vol met verbijsterde, geïnteresseerde en ontevreden bezoekers. Eén ding is zeker, de documentaire Slapend rijk heeft ons wakker geschudt. In de documentaire wordt een portret geschetst van Amsterdam ten tijden van Airbnb: bewoners voelen zich figuranten in eigen stad, verhuurders verdienen lekker bij en ontmoeten mensen over de hele wereld en slachtoffers moeten hun keuken, douche en woonkamer delen met toeristen. 

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Research key findings: social capital in the collaborative economy

Those of you who keep up with market developments in the ever growing sectors that the collaborative economy is covering by now, have realized that we are approaching a split.  This split is not only manifest in the kinds of platforms that get on the market, you see in the public and academic debate about the collaborative economy as well. 
What are we breaking our minds about? While enthusiasts claim that this is just the beginning of major technological disruption, moving towards self-driving vehicles and blockchain enabled home-sharing, just to name a few, critiques become nostalgic. 

Read Paula's insights from her master thesis research on social capital in the collaborative economy...

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Breadfunds and the rise of truly shared insurance

‘Thank you,’ says a women in tears to a seemingly random group of entrepreneurs. ‘I have been sick for a year and all this time you have supported me with both compassion and money.”

Pieter was at his  first “Broodfonds” (Breadfund), meeting. Gathered with his group of 47 entrepreneurs he had the bi-annual general meeting that turned out to surprise him.


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Research findings | What is the EU up for?

The collaborative economy blurs the lines between producer and consumer - a no brainer for some, a regulatory challenge for others. The European Commission, famous for slow and beaurocratic processes, has eventually determined their stance on the collaborative economy. In a communication published earlier this month, the policy makers explain the key regulatory issues at hand and provide policy guidelines for member states.
So, what is the EU up for? Paula land explains through the findings of her research

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Harmen van SprangComment
Train thoughts | Key learnings from European Collaborative Economy organizations in Brussels

It’s eight o’clock in the morning as I step of the Thalys in Brussels. I’m still a bit sleepy when I enter the conference room and hear our friend and global policy advisor, April Rinne, give an overview of collaborative economy news from around the world. National governments in Asia are putting it in the agenda. The Chinese government predicts that ten percent of its economy will be collaborative by 2020. Cities in Korea and Japan on their way to become Sharing Cities. Plus the frontrunning role of the Netherlands with Amsterdam Sharing City, the Green Deal Carsharing and its innovative government. And last but not least, Europe. It’s eight o’clock in the morning as I step of the Thalys in Brussels. I’m still a bit sleepy when I enter the conference room and hear our friend and global policy advisor, April Rinne, give an overview of collaborative economy news from around the world. National governments in Asia are putting it in the agenda. The Chinese government predicts that ten percent of its economy will be collaborative by 2020. Cities in Korea and Japan on their way to become Sharing Cities. Plus the frontrunning role of the Netherlands with Amsterdam Sharing City, the Green Deal Carsharing and its innovative government. And last but not least, Europe.

Read Pieter van de Glinds' key learning points from his trip

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Explaining the differential growth of peer-to-peer car-sharing in European cities

A research conducted by Dennis van der Linden, please contact dfvdlinden@gmail.com for more information.

While car-sharing has proven quite successful in some cities, in other cities the phenomenon of car-sharing is less developed. This study aims to explain these spatial differences in the growth of peer-to-peer (P2P) car-sharing in cities. Read more...

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Stimulation of corporate car sharing | Institutional work for organisational innovation adoption

A research conducted by Rik van Huik, please contact R.vanHuik@students.uu.nl for more information. 

Zakelijk autodelen, gedefinieerd als het tussen meerdere gebruikers delen van auto’s, gebruikt en/of aangeboden door een werkgever en/of werknemer, heeft aanzienlijke potentiële praktische- en milieuvoordelen, door het verhogen van de benutte capaciteit van voertuigen. Read more...

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Zakelijk autodelen | Beschouwen bedrijven autodelen als een serieuze optie?

A research conducted by Liselotte Bingen, please contact liselottebingen@hotmail.com for more information. Increasing urbanization and air pollution call for less demands on space and less emissions. Carsharing can be a solution for this as it may reduce vehicle ownership and traffic. In this respect, carsharing for business shows much potential. Read more...

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