Posts tagged platform
Introducing Honeycombhousing

Honeycombhousing is a social/cultural-housing platform to connect international students with homeowners on peer-to-peer basis in Sweden. Sanne Toonen (founder of Honeycombhousing) explained: 'It’s the social aspect that makes the difference. It’s best described as 'Fika'. The Swedish expression for coffee breaks that’s more about socializing than drinking coffee. This Swedish tradition shaped Honeycombhousing to what it is today and sets them apart from other services in providing housing for international students.'

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The Art of Sharing - a 21st Century mindset we should teach our children.

With a world around us transforming by the second, it is very unlikely we are able to predict the future our children will grow up in. To prepare for this uncertain reality, children should be handed not only the right tools and skills to be able to manoeuvre their way through  - such as the use of tablets, 3D printing, coding, design thinking - , but they should also be equipped with the right 21st Century mindset. Read more... 

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Hoe financier ik mijn startup? De ervaring van MotoShare

Stel, je hebt een prachtig idee voor een platform. Hoe breng je je startup van de grond? Lynda Provoost vertelt hoe startup MotoShare het ervaart om via een deelplatform haar financiering rond te krijgen: zij kozen ervoor om crowdfunding in te schakelen. Momenteel zitten ze in de laatste fase. Lees meer... 

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