Vanmiddag bij de EU sessie over deeleconomie
De deeleconomie is ook in het vizier van de Europese Unie. Na een eerste sessie september vorig jaar, vindt er vanmiddag een vervolg plaats bij de European Economic and Social Committee in Brussel.
Vanaf 14.30 uur is de bijeenkomst live te volgen via deze link:
Vanuit shareNL zijn wij betrokken bij de totstandkoming van deze bijeenkomst. Ook zullen wij een sessie modereren vanmiddag die gaat over het opzetten van een Europees netwerk van 'sharing cities'.
Hieronder vind je (in het Engels) een beschrijving van de bijeenkomst. En hier een korte video:
Collaborative consumption is a class of economic activity in which participants share access to products or services, rather than having individual ownership. On 21 January 2014, the EESC endorsed an opinion on collaborative or participatory consumption and called for further action at EU level.
There is a clear need to provide information and to raise awareness about collaborative consumption. Collaborative consumption can meet social needs in situations where there is no commercial interest and it can help, as a for-profit activity, to create jobs. It offers an alternative to the excesses caused by the previous century's hyper-consumption and the immense inequalities it created, such as the unnatural coexistence of hunger and obesity, or waste and precariousness.
A conference "Boosting Partnerships in the Collaborative Consumption", co-organised by the EESC, European Sharing Economy Coalition, OuiShare and ShareNL, to be held in the EESC premises on 3 July 2014, will explore how stakeholders can forge partnerships to lay the necessary policy framework conditions and create an enabling environment for Collaborative Consumption to be a success for Member States, business, consumers and local communities in the EU.
For further details, check out the draft programme under Related documents at the end of this page.
The conference will be followed by a ShareFest organised by TaxiStop and our Committee at the Esplanade "Solidarność1980" in front of the European Parliament from 5.15 to 8.00 p.m. Come and find out a series of initiatives in collaborative consumption that can help you out in your daily life!
More than a source of information and inspiration, the ShareFest is a unique occasion to fully get involved and interact with the various stands. Seize the opportunity to be a "consumDOer": bring your tools and utensils to exchange,… and your passion for sharing and learning!
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